200,4G Choco Cookies Filled Chocolate

Ranked 7 in the Top 100 best-selling products this month.

  • Vendor: Lai Phú
  • Type: Bánh
  • SKU: 8936023024445

Price : 60,000₫

With a bitter taste from pure cocoa mixed with sweet milk, Chocolate has become one of the most loved flavors in the world and inspired chefs to make tasty fragrant...

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With a bitter taste from pure cocoa mixed with sweet milk, Chocolate has become one of the most loved flavors in the world and inspired chefs to make tasty fragrant pastries.

Choco Cream Cookies Coated With Chocolate is also inspired by that amazing ingredient, with a soft chocolate finish covering the whole crunchy Cookies. Its inside is a creamy Cream filling made from real fruit. They all make Mint Choco Cookies a sweet and awesome flavor.

Choco Cream Cookies Coated With Chocolate have a small round shape, the sweetness from chocolate mixed with fresh orange flavor will give you a delightful experience every time you use it. With Choco Cookies, you could share with your friends, relatives, bring with outings and travels.


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