268,2G Lai Phu Mixed Choco Cookies

Ranked 7 in the Top 100 best-selling products this month.

  • Vendor: Lai Phú
  • Type: Bánh
  • SKU: 8936023020737

Price : 95,000₫

With a bitter taste from pure cocoa mixed with sweet milk, Chocolate has become one of the most loved flavors in the world and inspired chefs to make tasty fragrant...

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With a bitter taste from pure cocoa mixed with sweet milk, Chocolate has become one of the most loved flavors in the world and inspired chefs to make tasty fragrant pastries.

Mixed Choco Cookies with a soft chocolate coating completely cover the crispy cookies and smooth cream filling to create a delicious and premium Choco Cookies taste suitable for enjoyment and gift.

With the red boxes symbolizing luck and warmth in the traditional New Year's Day, Lai Phu would like to transfer, the gift boxes not only mean the value of present, express the loves of decendants to their grandparents and parents, the care to their friends and relatives, but deliver wishes of a lucky, prosperous and peaceful new year as well.



[en] Sản phẩm liên quan

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